From the Directors Desk

Welcome to the Doon Group of Colleges and School!
The Colleges are governed under strict control and supervision of the managing committee. The mission of the colleges is to provide quality education to the teeming millions, not only from the state of Uttarakhand but throughout the country and abroad. 
One should not loose the vision of his career at any given time and always focus on what he/she want to achieve in their life. You should be dreaming big to become an achiever because every success story starts with a dream. Acquire as much knowledge as you can to master a positive approach and remember that learning is a lifelong process.
I strongly believe in overall growth of students to make them good human beings first and then mould them into effective professionals and good citizens of this country. There is no short cut to hard work. I am sure that with whole hearted involvement of Faculty, every member of DGC family leaving the portal of DGC will be proud to be member of DGC and will keep the flag of Doon Group of Colleges flying high. Alumni networking will help in building the brand DGC in the years to come. I am sure that every member of DGC will have more than one job after successful completion of the course.
I extend a very warm welcome to all the students, specially the new entrants to DGC for their fruitful and gratifying stay here, to carve a niche for themselves to excel in their respective careers.


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