Department of Microbiology

Department of Microbiology is running under Graduate Course program in Medical Microbiology and a Post Graduate course program in M.Sc. Microbiology.

Microbiology is a very advanced and latest form of educational subject included in the education arena. The course includes study of various kinds of microorganism and their life cycle. The subject deals with the life and other metabolic activities of the microorganisms. Micro-organisms are almost found everywhere and they constitute by far the largest group of living things existing on earth. Our existence, health, food, agriculture and even industrial development are very much dependent on them. If microbes were to become extinct, disaster would become inevitable and would be beyond imagination. Unknowingly, man has made use of micro-organism since prehistoric times, mostly in the production of food and drinks, such as leavening of bread, souring of milk and making of wine and beer etc. However, it was only in the seventeenth century that the microbial world was discovered.
LAB Facilities
List of Major Equipments 
  • 4 Laminar Air Flow
  • 4 BOD Incubator
  • Orbital Shaking Incubator
  • Trinocular Microscope
  • Cooling Centrifuge
  • Electrophoresis Unit 
  • Spectorphotometer
  • Air Sampler Unit 
  • Fermenter/Bioreactor
  • PCR machine


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